Jonathan E wrote: ↑Sat Sep 23, 2023 1:57 am
I like the principle behind the Daemon army. I also like that you've included a monster customiser for people who want to bring in their Soul Grinders, Skull Cannons and Hellflayer Chariots or whatever else they own, without
explicitly dragging those units back in time.
This is something of a common theme that will be recurring among a lot of the content on here. The main goal is very clearly to plug the few holes in the 2004hammer model ranges (including covering a bunch of Epic immigrants that Forgeworld never ended up getting around to) and bring the game into other directions that GW never explored before, but there is still a door left open for people to backport models from other 40k editions if they so wish.
The Tau VDR module is similar, in that while it does not explicitly bring the post-2012 big battle-bots over - quite the opposite in fact - it does still leave enough tools for one to do that if they have an especially burning passion to do so.
Jonathan E wrote: ↑Sat Sep 23, 2023 1:57 am The principle of Daemon Princes as Elite unit is also pleasing to me - I think the fifth edition Daemons book put them in Heavy Support for some reason - but they fit better where you've put them, I think. The "Exalted Daemons" - the elite versions of Daemon infantry differentiated largely by paintjob - tickle me less, they feel like a cheap solution to a barren slot problem (and I felt the same about them in Total Warhammer 3, for whatever that's worth). I would personally advise putting Possessed Chaos Space Marines in there instead, in the same spirit as the Possessed vehicles in Heavy Support, and calling back to the Daemon World lists of the earlier editions which featured a few select and elect mortals.
I always assumed the Daemons book made them Heavy Support because the writers interpreted them as a kind of Chaos Carnifex, and since Carnifexes are traditionally a Heavy Support monster the Chaos equivalent should be Heavy Support too. From that logic I can kind of see it, but it always seemed a little weird to me too, which is why when looking for possible Elites units it occurred to me that Space Marine Dreadnoughts are Elites and that a Daemon Prince is also basically a Chaos Daemon Dreadnought equivalent I took the chance to fix it, and it does seem like a more natural place for a deadly individualistic champion of Chaos.
The Exalted Daemon Packs have since proved popular enough with initial playtesters that they are probably going to be here to stay. Personally I quite like them for much the same reasons you don't, because I am fond in general of the various elite versions of basic troops differentiated by paintjob and a point of Leadership - from Space Marine Veterans to Chosen to Skarboyz to Celestians they are something of an institution in second-wave oldhammer. If it's any comfort the original concept was going to be elite versions of Daemon infantry with wings, because the bat-winged demon visual is a classic that seemed underrepresented in the Chaos Daemon range, before being reworked to include a little more customisation.
All that being said the idea of a kind of Possessed Chaos Space Marine squad as an alternative third Elites choice covering the 'shooty elite boys' niche is certainly not a bad one...
Nor are some of the creations in this latest instalment of Kakapo Approved.
Dark Awakening - New Necron Units for Warhammer 40,000
It was brought to my attention some time ago that the otherwise brilliant
Codex: Necrons does have one big Achilles heel - a lack of much in the way of a real outlet for creative expression. The units contained in the Necron army are all excellent and full of cinematic special abilities, but they also tend to result in Necron armies turning out all the same, which can understandably be frustrating for some. When even the basic personalisation staple of the team leader with access to the armoury is denied, what's a Necron Lord to do?
In a kinder time this sort of thing could have been addressed with some fun new additions in White Dwarf, but it seems that Necron army additions in Chapter Approved were curiously absent, with the servants of the C'tan never receiving anything like rail rifles or Mounted Daemonettes. Since Chapter Approved is no more, the task falls to others and I decided to take up the challenge myself.
The results are very much a compromise of sorts. I was very careful to avoid undermining the fundamental Necron vision of the faceless apocalyptic robot legions that are such a staple of science fiction from
Terminator to
System Shock. But they are, with any luck, a solid addition to an excellent game faction and a means of injecting at least a little personal touch to one's faceless robotic death machine.
Access To The Armoury
Codex: Necrons does of course feature a great armoury section with lots of exciting wargear upgrades, but the trouble is they're all bottled up in the one unit choice as only Necron Lords have access to it. It quickly became clear that giving Necrons more units with armoury access would be a simple and effective way to give them more customisability, and was an ideal first step. Now obviously just giving Necrons squad leaders would be a step too far, for much the same reason that it would be weird for Tyranids to have squad leaders, but suppose there was another type of character, a secondary character that was a sort of missing link between the Necron Lords and the ranks of Necrons beneath them?
This idea got me thinking about Eldar Warlocks and Imperial Priests, secondary characters purchased as additions to a squad (or alternatively as a unit for an HQ leader, in the case of Warlocks) rather than independent agents. Something like that for the Necrons could be just what was needed. At the same time I remembered the original design concept for the Pariahs as a vehicle for injecting the presence of C'tan into an army without having to include an actual C'tan. Expanding on the Pariah line seemed to be a natural extension for including more options for adding C'tan presence into a Necron army, and the addition of a kind of boss Pariah type was in turn a natural next step that dovetailed the niche for a leader with wargear options perfectly.
Thus was born the Mod-II Pariah, a next generation model of Pariah that represents another step in the C'tan's machinations. In their planned end-game these Pariahs would likely end up as wardens or head-gaolers (or perhaps more appropriately head shepherds with regular Pariah farmhands) managing the regular Pariah and Necron guards that actually handled the herds of life-forms enslaved by the C'tan. In the present however they act as assistants (and envoys, tying in the
Dark Crusade video game) to Necron Lords and secondary leaders able to take direct command of small cohorts of Necrons, and outfitted with sophisticated gifts of wargear from their masters. This also conveniently makes them a dark anti-psychic mirror of and symmetrical counter to the Eldar Warlocks, which is a piece of symmetry I just love - clearly the C'tan have learnt from their defeats in the past and created an anti-psychic warrior to go toe-to-toe with the battle psykers of their ancient Eldar enemies!
The Mod-II Pariahs therefore give an alternative to Necron players for injecting a little bit of C'tan presence into their armies. They can either take their unit of regular Pariahs as a tough combat spearhead, or sprinkle a few Mod-II Pariahs with customised wargear around the army, or even both!
Science Fiction Double Feature
It could have very well ended there, but sometimes coincidence has a funny way of throwing inspiration at you with uncanny timing. A while after solidifying the Mod-II Pariah concept Youtube decided, on a whim of the algorithm, to start throwing me clips of
Terminator films - the very thing that the Necrons are a love letter to. And in looking over all these reminders of the source material I was reminded of some key cinematic elements that somehow managed to slip through the cracks of the GW studio when they were writing
Codex: Necrons. These too needed to be addressed.
The first and most obvious of these was the iconic villain of the second film, a brilliant concept that in hindsight seems very conspicuously absent from the Necron range - after all, a shapeshifting mass of sentient liquid metal used for spying and assassination seems like
exactly the kind of thing you would find in a Necron army. As I thought about it more however, it also dawned on me that more than that, a shapeshifting mass of sentient liquid metal wasn't just exactly what the Necrons would use for spying and assassinating people, it was
exactly the kind of thing that The Deceiver specifically would be all over. It was the perfect kind of embodiment of The Deceiver's whole MO and the perfect thing for making a Necron army very clearly an army of The Deceiver.
This in turn got me back to thinking about Necron army personalisation. Chaos players in both Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000 often like to personalise their armies around a specific Chaos God, and it seemed right that Necron players ought to be able to personalise their armies around a specific C'tan in a similar way (this again opened up another avenue for leaving the fingerprint of a C'tan on a Necron army without actually fielding one of the C'tan themselves). So taking a specific unit associated with The Deceiver - like those scary new liquid metal shapeshifters - would mark out a Necron army as being an army aligned with The Deceiver, while taking another specific unit associated with The Nightbringer would mark out that army's allegiance to that C'tan instead.
This led to The Deceiver having a nice little signature unit in the form of the liquid metal shapeshifters, which had now begun to be called Changelings and were shaping up to be a nice little assassin-type Elites choice with similar polymorphic powers to the Callidius Assassin, but it still left the other three C'tan unaccounted for. Mining the same source material quickly revealed a couple of other iconic visuals that had been neglected by the GW studio. The image of a towering robot skeleton slinging around an energy rifle in each hand seemed like a natural fit for the brute force and relentless assault ethos of The Nightbringer, and also conveniently made for an interesting Necron take on the classic heavy weapons infantry teams common to the Heavy Support slot and an alternative to the Destroyers for fire support. Similarly, the classic robotic attack drones - which were also conveniently ankh-shaped - from the films also proved a good basis for a flying machine to give Necron armies some much needed air support and air defence cover, while also being exactly the kind of sophisticated technical platform that one could expect from the Void Dragon.
That just left The Outsider, and a reference source somewhat depleted. Fortunately it was at right this time that Youtube again came to the rescue, deciding that that point was the perfect time to emphatically remind me of the existence of the National Space Alien Of The UK. GW has never really dared to make a direct shoutout to them in 40k to my knowledge, but I wasn't about to let that stop me. Their whole ethos was not too far removed from that of the Necrons, and while their very striking visual design was a sharp departure from the classic skeletal humanoid Necron, such a weird and radical departure did seem like a really good fit for a weird and radical C'tan like The Outsider (and would make no more of a visual contrast to the Necrons than, say, a Tau army with Kroot incorporated in or a Witch Hunters army with a mixture of Sisters of Battle and Inquisitorial troops). I duly worked out some rationale for why this new unit, naturally called an Exterminator, was such a different design to the traditional Necron and then wrapped it up in some cryptic mystery fitting with the rest of
Codex: Necrons.
All that was left at this point was to drop them into Force Organisation categories. The Changelings were already a natural fit for an Elites choice, and the Nightbringer's dual-wielding mega-Necrons were similarly right at home among the Heavy Support group. The flying machine, now called the Seeker, could have gone there too but instead went to the other natural home for it as a Fast Attack unit instead, to spread the options around a little. Finally that just left the Exterminators. My first instinct was to just make them another Elite unit and be done with it, but the Necron Elites section was already getting a little crowded as it was. Instead I opted to strip them down a little to turn them into a second Troops option - by design the least crowded force organisation section for the Necrons by far - as an alternative infantry option to give Necron players a little more choice in what kind of foot soldiers to use. This also fit well with them as a special unit for The Outsider - The Outsider after all went into stasis having just been on the losing side of the last great terrible war in heaven among the dominant C'tan, and between that and some inevitable bad luck in the elapsing millions of years it would only make sense that The Outsider would be short on resources and looking to experiment with some alternate and more expendable troops to make up for the shortage in manpower (or robot-power as the case may be).
That then left one special unit for each of the C'tan, each occupying a different Force Organisation niche, along with a new customisable character type available to all of them - an excellent new layer of options for Necron players, if I might say so myself!
Agents of The C'tan - New Necron Forces
As news spreads of terrible ghosts of the past awakening on the fringes of space and contact is lost with more and more worlds, it is understandable that many in the Imperium might hope that the Necron raiders would prove to be stagnant, that the worst that loathsome dead race could conjure had already been unleashed. It is a natural conclusion to reach that these unfathomable machines would be locked to their ways and incapable of springing new surprises on their enemies.
Such hope, however comforting, has been dashed in the cruelest fashion. As Necron raids grow more intense, weapons previously unseen for eons have been unearthed once more and long-forgotten horrors have again begun to haunt the night. Already a number of terrifying warriors have been observed for the first time in more recent Necron harvests. Few have survived encounters with these deadly combatants, but what little knowledge can be found about them is collected below.
Mod-II Pariahs
The so-called Mod-II Pariahs were first identified during the Necron awakening in the Kronus system, where a single example was encountered acting as an emissary for the tomb world. Though it was ultimately destroyed along with the underground tomb complex on Kronus Prime, more have since begun to appear as part of Necron harvests on other worlds.
A refinement of the Pariahs more commonly seen acting as units within Necron armies, the Mod-II Pariahs appear to be granted greater autonomy within the Necron war machine, even being observed commanding small bands of Necrons independently from time to time. At other times they have been observed accompanying Necron Lords in a dark and twisted parody of the seer councils employed by the Eldar.
Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Mod-II Pariah 50 4 4 4 5 2 3 2 10 3+
Number/Squad: 1 – 5 Mod-II Pariahs may be taken for every Necron Lord in the army. These do not count as a separate HQ selection and do not take up a Force Organisation slot.
Weapons: Staff of Light.
Options: any Mod-II Pariah may replace their Staff of Light with a Warsycthe with built-in Gauss Blaster for +25 pts.
Mod-II Pariahs may select items from the Pariah Armoury opposite. Each Mod-II Pariah may carry up to 50 points of wargear.
Character: Mod-II Pariahs are characters, but may not move on their own. They must either remain in a unit with the Necron Lord, or they may be assigned to join a squad of Necron Warriors, Immortals or Reapers. A Necron Lord accompanied by Mod-II Pariahs may not join other units.
Special Rules
Soulless: Any enemy unit with a model within 12” of a Mod-II Pariah counts as having Leadership 7, unless it would normally be less than that.
Psychic Abomination: Any psyker within 6” of a Mod-II Pariah at the start of their turn must take a Morale check or fall back along with any squad they are leading. If the psyker is in close combat at the time and fails the Morale check, he will not fall back but only hit on a 6 in the Assault Phase for that turn.
Pariah Armoury
Chronometron ….......................................................................................... 10 pts
Disruption Field …......................................................................................... 5 pts
Eye of The C’tan …......................................................................................... 10 pts
Gaze of Fire …................................................................................................ 15 pts
Hand of The C’tan …....................................................................................... 30 pts
Lightning Field …............................................................................................ 25 pts
Nightmare Veil …........................................................................................... 25 pts
Reconstruction Phylactery …......................................................................... 15 pts
Solar Blast ….................................................................................................. 15 pts
Repulsion Shield ….......................................................................................... 15 pts
Chronometron – 10 pts
The Necrons are masters of space and time. The chronometron allows the Necrons to act out of phase with the normal time flow, advancing normally while their opponents move in slow motion.
A Mod-II Pariah with a Chronometron, and any unit he has joined, rolls an extra dice (and discards the lowest) when determining how far they can make a sweeping advance and fall back.
Disruption Field – 5 pts
The grasping, metal claws of the Necrons pulse with unnatural energies that seem to warp the skin of vehicles as they strike. Even the most heavily armoured vehicle can be torn apart by Necrons with such powers.
Disruption fields are used in assaults against vehicles. Any hit inflicted on the target by a unit equipped with disruption fields will score a glancing hit on a D6 roll of a 6 regardless of the vehicle’s Armour Value in exactly the same way as for ranged gauss weapons.
Eye of the C’tan - 10 pts
None can escape the sight of this crown of unblinking, malevolent lenses that stud the head of the Pariah, which constantly sweep their relentless gaze across all spectra and dimensions of the universe. A Pariah with such vision can sense traps and dangers long before they appear.
A Mod-II Pariah with the Eye of the C’tan can detect Ambushes (see Codex: Catachans, P. 20) or Lictors using Secret Deployment (see Codex: Tyranids, p. 11). In addition, a Mod-II Pariah with the Eye of the C’tan can re-roll the dice for any spotting distance they need to roll.
Units led by a Mod-II Pariah with the Eye of the C’tan will only trigger booby traps (see Codex: Catachans and Codex: Cityfight) on the 2D6 roll of a 2 and minefields on a D6 roll of a 6.
Gaze of Fire – 15 pts
Flickering fires of anti-psychic malice blaze from the metal death mask of the Pariah, chilling the very heart of those who look upon it, stealing away their strength and crushing their courage.
Models belonging to units which charge into combat with the Mod-II Pariah gain no bonus to their attacks for charging as they are inexplicably slowed at the last instant.
Enemies may still make use of any special close combat attacks as normal, only the bonus attack for charging is lost.
Hand of The C’tan - 30 pts
This gleaming silver gauntlet directs an invisible energy field which focuses the flux beams of nearby gauss weapons, increasing their already tremendous potency to truly horrifying levels.
Models in a unit containing a Hand of The C’tan may re-roll the To Wound dice for any shooting attacks made with gauss weapons.
Lightning Field – 25 pts
Bolts of energy arc from the Pariah to nearby Necrons, energising their carapaces.
Powerful arcs of energy link the Mod-II Pariah and any unit he has joined. For every wound inflicted on them in close combat by an enemy unit or independent character, a single Strength 3 hit (with no AP) will be struck back as they are burned and shocked.
The return blows are calculated after all other attacks are resolved and will hit the enemy that triggered them. For example, if one attacking unit inflicted three wounds they would therefore take three hits in return.
Nightmare Veil – 25 pts
The Nightmare Veil reaches into the minds of those close by and dredges up the primal terrors that lurk within, creating the illusion that they are facing an unending horde of their own worst fears brought to life.
Models in a unit containing one or more Nightmare Veils count as two models for the purposes of outnumbering enemies in close combat.
Reconstruction Phylactery – 15 pts
This innocuous device not only releases swarms of tiny reconstruction scarabs over the Pariah’s body, but also energises their internal structure, invigorating their deathless essence and allowing them to survive and repair all but the most grievous damage.
A Mod-II Pariah with a Reconstruction Phylactery may self-repair as if they were a unit with the Necron special rule. Mod-II Pariahs that successfully self-repair return with 1 Wound remaining, not their full 2.
Treat the Mod-II Pariah as the same model type as his unit for the purposes of determining self-repair eligibility, so for example a Mod-II Pariah leading a unit of Necron Warriors would count as a Necron Warrior for self-repair purposes. Note that it is possible to end up with more than one Mod-II Pariah in a unit if one or more Mod-II Pariahs self-repair nearby.
Solar Blast – 15 pts
A smaller, more directed form of the Solar Pulse sometimes seen wielded by Necron Lords, the Solar Blast is a beam of searing brilliance that can be unleashed by the Pariah at will to blind enemies and guide its minions in darkness.
A model with a Solar Blast and any unit accompanying them count as being equipped with Frag Grenades.
In addition, during missions with the Night Fighting special rule a Mod-II Pariah with a Solar Blast may use it to illumiate a target instead of firing a weapon in the shooting phase. This follows the same rules as for a searchlight, allowing one enemy unit spotted by the Mod-II Pariah to be fired on by any Necron unit in range and with line of sight. A unit with a Mod-II Pariah using a Solar Blast in this way may be targeted by any enemy units in their next turn without rolling for spotting distance.
Repulsion Shield – 15 pts
This deceptively archaic looking device envelops the Pariah’s minions in a crackling force-shield of palpable force.
A Repulsion Shield may not be carried in combination with a Warscythe. The Repulsion Shield provides its bearer with a 3+ Invlunerable save in close combat and all models in the same unit as the bearer with a 4+ Cover Save against any shooting attacks.
Necron Changelings
Among the most sinister and favoured agents of The Deceiver are the strange mercurial entities commonly called Changelings by those who know of their existence. Neither living creature nor truly a machine in the conventional sense, Changelings are said to be slivers of The Deceiver's own necrodermis body, animated and granted cold and terrible sentience by the awesome will of their C’tan master.
Changelings are comprised of liquid necrodermis, and can mould and reshape their bodies at will to resemble any object or organism their own size. They use this power to assume the guise of the friends and loved ones of their targets and move about unnoticed through the galaxy while they carry out their master’s work – spying, spreading lies, sabotaging and quietly silencing the enemies of The Deceiver.
Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Changeling 90 4 4 4 5 2 4 3 10 3+
Number/Squad: You may include 1-3 Changelings as a single Elites choice. Changelings are deployed as a single unit but do not have to be placed together and operate as independent units during the game.
Weapons: Changelings are able to shape their limbs into deadly close combat blades and stabbing weapons, however these are already included in the profile above.
Elites Choice: Changelings are an Elites choice for a Necron army.
Special Rules
Polymemetic Necrodermis: Changelings are always placed in reserve, even in missions which do not normally use the Reserves rule. Make a single Reserves roll for each group of 1-3 Changelings. When Changelings become available, they may be placed anywhere on the battlefield, and can move and fight normally in the turn they arrive.
Re-form Mass: Being comprised entirely of living liquid metal, Changelings can reshape their bodies to repair crippling damage, even to the point of being able to re-form their bodies from scattered droplets after an explosion. On the other hand, their liquid nature leaves them vulnerable to attacks that inflict continual damage faster than can be restored.
Changelings may self-repair if reduced to 0 wounds or otherwise removed as a casualty, following the same process as Necron Lords. However, Changelings self-repair with the two following differences from the normal
We’ll Be Back rules:
A Changeling
may self-repair if it was destroyed by a close combat weapon that allows no armour saves, or any weapon whose Strength is twice the Toughness of the Changeling.
A Changeling may
not self-repair if it was destroyed by a close combat weapon that automatically wounds on a fixed die roll, or any ranged weapon with the Template characteristic. This can be over-ridden in the presence of a Resurrection Orb as normal, see Codex: Necrons for more details.
Designer’s Note: Although Changelings can self-repair they do not count as having the
Necron special rule and so do not contribute to Phase-Out numbers.
Implacable: Changelings can shape their limbs into hooks and climbing spikes to clear obstacles and can flow through gaps between barriers in their way. Changelings have the
Move Through Cover special rule, rolling an extra D6 when moving through difficult terrain. Additionally, Changelings treat Impassible vertical surfaces as difficult terrain.
Fleet of Foot: Changelings are able to sprint at speeds approaching that of a ground vehicle. Changelings have the Fleet of Foot special rule and may move an extra D6” in the Shooting Phase.
Independent: Changelings operate independently during the game and may not join units or be teleported by a Monolith’s portal. For the purposes of mission objectives, they cannot capture table quarters, hold objectives or count as surviving troops in a Meat Grinder mission.
Agents of The Deceiver: Changelings are the elite agents of The Deceiver. An army with Changelings in it may not include any Reapers, Seekers or Exterminators. The Deceiver is the only C’tan that can be included in an army with Changelings.
Necron Reapers
When The Nightbringer was first turned loose on the galaxy uncounted eons ago, there were those amongst its followers who threw themselves to the cause of death with terrible passion. Many were simply driven to insane killing sprees by the sheer terror radiated by The Nightbringer, while others were darkly murderous killers and sadists of the most horrific sort and relished in the chance to indulge in their most bloodthirsty passions for mass slaughter.
These most devoted of The Nightbringer’s servants were elevated to the C’tan’s personal phalanxes, and when the time came for them to be purged of their hated flesh, they were reforged as towering champions of death, standing a full head taller than even the mighty Immortals. These avatars of murder were christened Reapers, and the nightmarish massacres they unleashed during the cataclysmic wars of the C’tan still linger in the darkest legends of many cultures millions of years on.
Such was the fear that The Nightbringer’s Reapers commanded that the enemies of the C’tan prized their destruction above all other Necrons, and the Eldar are said to have sent entire armies on quests to hunt down and destroy the stasis crypts where they slumbered. Many who know of the dark days of the War In Heaven had hoped the Reapers might have been by some miracle lost to time, but as The Nightbringer grows in power its favoured children are beginning to stir, hearing their ancient master’s call to war.
Pts/Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Reaper 48 4 4 4 5 1 2 1 10 3+
Number/Squad: 3 – 10
Weapons: Twin Gauss Flayers. These are fired together as a twin-linked weapon. In addition, such is the power of the Reapers that they may wield their twin Gauss Flayers as a pair of close combat weapons in the Assault Phase.
Options: The entire squad may have disruption fields at +2 points per model.
One in every three Reapers may replace their twin gauss flayers with a Gauss Cannon for +20 pts.
Any Reaper not carrying a gauss cannon may replace their twin gauss flayers with twin Gauss Blasters (fires as twin-linked Gauss Blaster, counts as additional close combat weapon in the Assault Phase) for +10 pts
Heavy Support: Reapers are a Heavy Support choice for a Necron army.
Special Rules
Necron: Reapers follow the Necron special rules as detailed in Codex: Necrons.
Agents of The Nightbringer: Reapers are the elite agents of The Nightbringer. An army with Reapers may not include any Changelings, Seekers or Exterminators. The Nightbringer is the only C’tan that can be included in an army with Reapers.
Necron Seeker
The menacing Necron flying machines labelled Seekers were first sighted during Necron harvests in the vicinity of the Eye of Terror, shortly after the mysterious landings on Mars. It is believed their deployment may be somehow linked with the Martian Raid, as their presence in Necron harvests appears to have steadily increased since then, though whether this is a response to that mission’s perceived failure, or a consequence of its success remains a matter of speculation.
Some Adepts at the highest levels of the Inquisition believe they might even incorporate technical information somehow stolen from the Adeptus Mechanicus databanks on Mars, largely due to the severe rarity of Necron aerial combatants in the past, but this claim has yet to be proven and many suspect its veracity given the scope of Necrontyr technology.
In any case the Seeker is a formidable aircraft. While relatively slow by the standards of conventional fighter craft, its two large multi-directional engines provide it with excellent manoeuvrability, believed to be aided by some as-yet unknown inertial dampening and anti-gravitic technology, as well as the ability to hover in place almost indefinitely. Seekers also feature heavy armour protection and complete all-round coverage for their ventral array of deadly gauss weaponry which complements the roles of patrol ship, hunter-killer and loitering air defence that Seekers have been observed performing.
While no galactic power appears to have succeeded in recovering an intact Seeker for close analysis, observational evidence suggests that they contain no discrete pilot and are instead directed by some form of autonomous intelligence, though whether this is an internal machine mind as in the Tomb Spyders or some unseen force directing them from afar remains unknown.
Points Armour: Front Side Rear BS
Seeker 220 12 11 10 4
Type: Flyer.
Crew: None.
Weapons:The Seeker is armed with a ventral turret-mounted twin-linked Gauss Cannon on an Anti-Aircraft Mount.
Options: The Seeker’s twin-linked Gauss Cannon may be upgraded to a twin-linked Gatling Gauss Cannon for +100 pts, or a twin-linked Heavy Gauss Cannon for +80 pts.
The Seeker may be armed with an additional set of Gauss Flux Arc Projectors for +50 pts.
Fast Attack: The Seeker is a Fast Attack choice for Necron armies.
Special Rules
Agent of The Void Dragon: Seekers are a weapon in the arsenal of The Void Dragon. An army with Seekers may not include any Changelings, Reapers or Exterminators. The Nightbringer and The Deciever may not be used in an army with Seekers.
VTOL Hover Mode: Rather than leave the table as per the normal flyer rules the Seeker can choose to engage its VTOL Hover Mode and remain on the table. The Seeker uses its multi-directional engines to hover menacingly above the ground. It remains stationary but may turn in any direction. Whilst hovering it may fire all its weapons.
For the purposes of being fired at, treat the Seeker as a moving Skimmer whilst in Hover Mode. It can be targeted using the firer’s normal BS. All hits are treated as glancing hits. If the Seeker is Immobilised, it is destroyed. Whilst hovering, it cannot be attacked in close combat (it is too high off the ground), unless the attacker can fly or has jump packs, in which case it can be assaulted as if it were a moving vehicle.
At the end of its own turn, the Seeker may disengage VTOL Hover Mode, using its engines to fly off. It now reverts to being a flyer. It will return in the enemy turn on a 2+ as per the normal flyer rules. It cannot return in the enemy turn immediately after it leaves the table, but must miss that turn as it flies away to gain height and speed for its attack run.
Necron Exterminators
The bizarre cyclopean pod-like entities known as Exterminators have long been a menace in the galactic south and are beginning to be encountered in other regions of the galaxy with growing frequency. Yet their connection with the Necron race remains unclear. Indeed, Imperial scholars had begun to consider them an entirely separate race of mechanical life-forms until they were observed working alongside Necron Warriors during Harvests in the vicinity of the Garon Nebula.
It is a common story among Rogue Traders operating in the galactic south to share stories they have collected of the fabled Green Storms. These tales are a recurring theme across a score of non-humanoid xenos species inhabiting the galaxy’s southern reaches, and over twelve dozen such alien civilisations have been documented with myths featuring great dark storms that appear at night from nowhere, flashing with evil green lightning, during which the populations of whole settlements vanish, never to be seen again. The details of the stories, such as lightning that strips creatures to nothingness and malevolent silver-white ghosts that haunt the storms, share a remarkable consistency across species that can be thousands of light-years apart.
One of the stranger and more obscure legends of the Eldar is that of the mysterious Outsider, a mad star-god that was laid low by its jealous and fearful brethren and banished to a prison on the distant fringes of the galaxy, after its legions of warrior servants were shattered in a terrible war among the heavens. According to the oldest Harlequin tales, the Outsider was said to be cast down far below the sea of stars, though what this could be a reference to is an open question...
Pts/Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Exterminator 18 4 4 4 4 1 2 1 10 3/4+
Number/Squad: 10 – 20
Weapons: Gauss flayer
Options: The entire squad may have vacuum claws at +5 points per model. These count as power weapons.
Troops Choice: Exterminators are a Troops choice for a Necron army.
Special Rules
Immolation Field: Exterminators are equipped with a powerful energy field that burns and incinerates the very air around them. Models in base contact with one or more Exterminators will suffer an automatic Strength 3 hit after all other close combat attacks are resolved. Armour saves may be taken as normal.
Energy Shield: Exterminators are protected with a powerful defensive energy shield in addition to their armoured casing. They may make a 4+ Invulnerable Save instead of their regular armour save.
Emergency Phase-Shift: Exterminators are incapable of battlefield self-repair. Instead, when suffering catastrophic damage, they will immediately phase out of existence in an eerie fashion, rematerialising far away in the safety of their master’s insane lair. Exterminators do not test for Self-Repair and are not considered Necrons for the purposes of calculating Phase-Out.
Agents of The Outsider: Exterminators are the minions of The Outsider. An army with Exterminators may not include any Changelings, Reapers or Seekers. The Nightbringer and The Deciever may not be used in an army with Exterminators.