Ogre Slave Giant Headbutt

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Ogre Slave Giant Headbutt

Post by mattyfenby »

So a situation arose the other day during one of our battles where an Ogre Slavegiant was facing off against some Chaos Minotaurs. The Slavegiant headbutted one of the Minotaur models, meaning it lost its attacks in the following round. However, the Slavegiant broke at the end of this round and the Minotaurs were able to run him down before pursuing into fresh enemy. Would the minotaur with a concussion have to sit out the impending round of CC due to the headbutt he suffered? Or since this is a new Close Combat, is his CTE cured instantly?
Jonathan E
Posts: 112
Joined: Thu Jan 12, 2023 11:42 pm

Re: Ogre Slave Giant Headbutt

Post by Jonathan E »

Rules As Written: he is not cured instantly, because the rule applies in "the next round of combat", there's nothing in the rule about whether you're fighting the Giant, the Giant is dead or alive, etcetera.

Rules As Interpreted: he is not cured instantly, because the consequences of being headbutted by a giant do not just magically go away if the giant falls over two minutes later. Come along now. Think about the reality the game rules simulate for a few seconds here.
If you're wondering why I'm like this, give this a read.

It's not canon. It's not lore. It's fluff. It's marketing copy to sell toys. Don't take it more seriously than it deserves.

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