Pitched Battle 2: Electrict Boogaloo! 2,000 points Beastmen vs. Dwarfs 6th Ed.

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Just Tony
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Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2023 10:31 pm

Pitched Battle 2: Electrict Boogaloo! 2,000 points Beastmen vs. Dwarfs 6th Ed.

Post by Just Tony »

Originally posted on 1-12-2021

So we get another weekend free, and we get another game. This one is an oddity for a couple reasons: because it is a repeat of the last mission we played at the same points value with the same armies but switched players, and because between these games was a saucy battle between my brother Ashley and my niece Keely with the same armies. At the end my brother made it clear that we are NOT using either army for the next game.

He also said he has pics of the game against Keely and is going to type up a batrep for that, so hopefully we get that going soon.


Pitched Battle, 2,000 points. I’m running the Beastmen this time while he’s running Dwarfs. The armies break down as such:


Lord: Doombull – Heavy Armor, Axes of Khorgor – 251 points
Hero: Wargor – Chaos Armor, Shield – 72 points
Hero: Wargor – Battle Standard Bearer, Heavy Armor, Beast Banner – 149 points
Hero: Bray-shaman (Level 2) – Staff of Darkoth – 135 points
Core: Beast Herd (6 Gors, 12 Ungors) – Two hand weapons, Full Command – 125 points
Core: Beast Herd (6 Gors, 12 Ungors) – Two hand weapons, Full Command – 125 points
Core: Beast Herd (6 Gors, 12 Ungors) – Two hand weapons, Full Command – 125 points
Core: Bestigors (19) – Full Command – 228 points
Core: Bestigors (19) – Full Command – 228 points
Core: Bestigors (19) – Full Command – 228 points
Core: Minotaurs (7) – Great weapons – 322 points

TOTAL: 1,988 points

I THOUGHT it was 1,998 but somehow I lost 10 extra points while downsizing from my first draft eliminating magic items. Oh, well. 10 points won’t affect the game that much…
Also I rolled up Pit of Shades and Shades of Death in Lore of Shadows, swapping Pit for Steed of Shadows for my spells, as well as getting Wild Call with the Staff of Darkoth.


Lord: Dwarf Lord – Gromgril Armor, Shield, Master Rune of Snorri Spanglehelm, Rune of Fury, Rune of Cleaving, Rune of Stone – 271 points
Hero: Thane – Great weapon, Master Rune of Gromgril, Rune of Resistance – 109 points
Hero: Thane – Battle Standard Bearer, Gromgril armor, Rune of Fear – 163 points
Core: Warriors (20) – Heavy Armor, Shields, Musician, Standard – 195 points
Core: Warriors (18) – Heavy Armor, Shields, Musician, Champion – 177 points
Core: Miners (20) – Musican, Standard – 258 points
Core: Rangers (20) – Musican, Standard – 258 points
Special: Hammerers (20) – Musician, Standard, Rune of Courage – 346 points
Special: Slayers (20) – 220 points

TOTAL: 1,997 points

The roll off for choice of side had Ashley pick the side with the hill smack in the middle, I failed the deployment roll and went first. After all was set up, Ashley totally shocked me by choosing to go second. Wonder what the plan is…


The turn starts out with no chargest to declare, obviously, and all Unruly rolls passed. I move all units ahead full with the exception of the Wargor’s Bestigors which wheel around the hill so I don’t have to prop the unit
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I pass on the Magic phase completely as no spell will matter.


The units turn, move, and turn back to the front, essentially spacing out the battle line a bit to facilitate potential flanking.
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Pass Unruly, all units ahead full but the Minotaurs who only move 8” to keep the battle line solid.
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I cast Wild Call on the center Herd, declaring that they were going to charge the Miners. Shockingly Ashley chooses to let it through.

The Foe-render whiffs all of his hits completely, with the Gors killing 2 Miners. The Miners strike back, dedicating all three attacks at the Foe-render. Fortunate, as only one of the rolls wounded, but still enough to kill the unit leader. The Herd loses by 1 point, fails its test, breaks away 5”, and the Miners pursue 6”, wiping them out. The subsequent Panic tests on the Bray-shaman’s Bestigors and the Minotaurs is passed.
Off to a good start…


The Miners declare a charge on the Bray-shaman’s Bestigors, who hold in response. The battle line units again use facing to back up 1 1/2” while the Rangers march forward to block possible charges to the Miners’ flank.
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The Miners wound the Bray-shaman, kill the Champion and 2 Bestigors while getting no hits in return. The Bestigors break and flee 9” with the Miners pursuing 4”, resulting in a Panic check for the left flank Beast Herd which promptly flees 7” away.


The Minotaurs declare a charge on the character bus Warriors who hold. Fear for both units means no test. The Battle Standard’s Bestigors charge the plain Warriors, who also hold. A hedgerow that counts as an obstacle causes the Wargor’s unit to fail its charge on the Slayers. All fleeing units rally and the right flank Herd passes its Unruly test, moving up full.
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Wild Call is cast on the Bray-shaman’s unit, which draws out all of the Dwarfs’ dispel dice to no avail. Miners receive the charge.
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With 1 die left, the Bray-shaman successfully casts Steed of Shadows and flies out of the unit to the other side of the woods nearby.
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2 Miners die on the charge, only killing 1 Bestigor in return. After all is added up, taking the higher ground into account, it results in a draw.

The Doombull roars a challenge, which is accepted by the Thane. (Huh, THAT’S why both the BSB and the Thane were in the same unit…) Rerollable hits all strike and 3 wounds land, but the Thane’s armor turns them away. The Thane, however, cannot land a single blow. The Minos manage to wound the BSB once and kill 2 Warriors as well. The Minotaurs take 1 wound despite the BSB missing all his attacks. Losing the combat, the Minotaurs pass their Break test.

The Beastmen BSB kills 1 Warrior while the Bestigors in his unit kill 3. The lone attack back misses but the Warriors pass their break test.


The Hammerers declare a flank charge on the Minotaurs while the Slayers declare a flank charge on the BSB’s Bestigors. The subsequent Panic checks see both units fleeing from the combat (I even rolled the BSB’s first so they could use the Doombull’s Leadership, STILL failed.) and both units fleeing 6”. A quick look at the rules shows that the unit in combat, as long as it had won the previous round, could pursue. That meant the unit that the Minotaurs, including the Doombull, were in combat with. They proceed to roll a natural 12, reduced to 11” but easily enough to wipe out the Minotaurs. Both the Hammerers and the Slayers are left with failed charges and move forward 3”. This goat rope is followed up by the Rangers adjusting position slightly to ensure the Herd can’t get to their flank
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3 Miners die in the combat phase, dispatching 1 Bestigor in return. Proximity to both the Dwarf Lord and the Battle Standard nets them a reroll and pass.


The turn starts with the Wargor’s Bestigor unit panicking at the fleeing units from the previous turn 11” directly away from the combat area.

The left flank Herd predictably charges the Rangers who hold, and the right flank Herd charges the Slayers, who HAVE to hold. The Battle Standard Bearer’s unit fails to rally, fleeing 4” further while the Bray-shaman moves forward 2” to line up spells and avoid any crossfire flee/pursuits.
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Shades of Death on the left flank Herd is dispelled.

The Foe-render kills 1 Ranger while the Gors miss ALL their attacks and/or wound rolls. The Rangers kill 2 Gors, more than enough to win the combat. The Herd breaks and flees 4” with the Rangers pursuing 5”, wiping them out. To add insult to injury, proximity to the destruction causes a panic test on the Bray-shaman who fails and flees 3” away from the carnage.

The Bestigors on the left flank kill 2 Miners while losing 1 of their own. Miners pass their break test.
The Foe-render fails to hit while the Gors kill 2 Slayers, with the Slayers failing to wound anyone. Unbreakable sees the combat continue.


The Rangers adjust position to flank the Miner/Bestigor combat next turn, while the Hammerers make best speed toward the same combat. The Battle Standard leaves his unit to edge closer to the Miner/Bestigor combat to keep the reroll aura close, and the Warriors that he just left reform to face the BSB Bestigors. Finally, the leaderless Warriors move up full toward the BSB Bestigors.
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Again, the Miners lose 2 of their numbers to the Bestigors while failing to wound in return. The leadership and reroll buffs however keep them in the battle.

2 Slayers die this turn while failing to wound in return, Unbreakable sees things through.


Holy Hannah, I start the turn by ralling EVERYTHING THAT’S FLEEING!!!!!!! Surely my luck is bouncing back.
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No Magic is cast as the Bray-shaman had fled into the woods and I was confident even with Steed he wasn’t allowed to fly out of there.

3 Miners die but manage to kill 1 Bestigor this turn. Reroll nets them a passed break test.

4 Slayers die to the Herd without any wounds back. Unbreakable…


The Rangers start the turn flank charging the left flank Bestigors, who do not panic.

The leaderless Warriors charge the front of the BSB’s Bestigor unit while the Thane’s Warriors charge the flank, with the Bestigors holding in response.

The BSB and Hammerers edge forward again to keep the auras viable.
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Rangers kill 2 Bestigors, the Bestigors kill 2 Miners, and the Miners kill 1 Bestigor. Finally, the combat goes against the Bestigors who break and flee 9”, with the Rangers pursuing 6” and the Miners pursuing 4”.

The Thane kills 2 Bestigors, all Warriors combined manage to kill 2 Bestigors as well. The Bestigors fail to hit and the BSB fails to wound. The next part is pretty predictable. Bestigors break and flee 9”. Forgot to write down what the pursuit roll was, but I do distinctly remember handing off only the banner from the BSB’s unit to Ashley. I’ll assume they weren’t wiped.

The Foe-render kills 1 Slayer. ALL OTHER MODELS FAIL TO HIT OR WOUND. I think everyone in combat had 2 hand weapons. How does this even??!?!?!?

Oh, Unbreakable.



Yikes. I mean, YIKES!!!!! That has to be a record. 5 failed Panics and 5 failed Break tests in essentially 4 turns of actual play. My brother reminded me of a poster on dakka who assured me that the 6.5 Dwarf army book having the ability to field over half your Core units as Immune to Panic Longbeards wouldn’t affect the game that much. He told me to point that poster toward THIS batrep. I’d have killed for Immune to Panic in this game.
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