Repository for 40k rules

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Repository for 40k rules

Post by Kakapo42 »

So I know there's the "Hope I Don't Get Banned" OneDrive link with PDFs of all the game books for Warhammer, but has anyone ever found a similar one for Warhammer 40,000?

As I'm gearing up to start getting more 40k games in soon, I'm turning my attention to rules accessibility. I've got hard copies of the 3rd and 4th edition Rulebooks and most of the 3rd edition codexes that I can loan out during games, but it occurs to me that prospective players will probably appreciate having a quick simple PDF of the rules they can review before the game when they're putting armies together.

I've made a few forays on Google, but so far I've yet to find anything that doesn't wave a dozen red flags for my computer's security programs, so I thought I'd open it up to the floor here.
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Just Tony
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Re: Repository for 40k rules

Post by Just Tony »

I used to have a link to a Russian site that had several PDFs of codices and possibly some rule books but Caterpillar's security features blocked it a while back. I'll assume unsafe malware...
Jonathan E
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Re: Repository for 40k rules

Post by Jonathan E »

I don't know if anyone's done a Wahapedia (2004 edition), but most of the actual books are extant in either the Wilson archive (Facebook is awful but has its uses) or the Trove's torrent (which is appallingly organised, and I don't recommend using it for anything other than White Dwarf).
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Re: Repository for 40k rules

Post by TinyLegions »

Trove's Torrent? You have caught my interest.
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