Chaos Knights: 2 units of 5 or 1 unit of 10?

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Chaos Knights: 2 units of 5 or 1 unit of 10?

Post by WhatATravesty »

Basically the title.

For list context, I'm going for a thematic all mortal, all Nurgle marked list with 2 units of 20 hand weapon + shield warriors (or great weapons, should the need arise) as sort of my base.

I'm unfamiliar with what is and isn't good in 6th ed, but here is my thought process. 2 units of 5 allows for flexibility, a rear or flank charge here and there. The 1 unit of 10 on the other hand could have quite the fear charge because of the Nurgle mark and is cheaper point wise since I don't need to pay for two full commands. The unit of 10 could also all be Chosen, which sounds lovely.

So, more experienced generals, what are your thoughts? Thanks in advance.

PS, I am very grateful to have found this forum.
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Just Tony
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Re: Chaos Knights: 2 units of 5 or 1 unit of 10?

Post by Just Tony »

While the two units of five are definitely more flexible in how far you can spread them on the battlefield, they're also in desperate need of support on the charge, so it need to be used in conjunction with chariots or Marauders, or to back up the big units of Warriors to help turn the combats in your favor. The unit of 10 Knights, especially Chosen, will wade through pretty much anything they charge into with reasonable chances of doing enough damage to overcome the charged unit's combat resolution.

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Re: Chaos Knights: 2 units of 5 or 1 unit of 10?

Post by WhatATravesty »

Just Tony wrote: Wed Apr 26, 2023 1:52 pm While the two units of five are definitely more flexible in how far you can spread them on the battlefield, they're also in desperate need of support on the charge, so it need to be used in conjunction with chariots or Marauders, or to back up the big units of Warriors to help turn the combats in your favorite. The unit of 10 nights, especially chosen, will wait through pretty much anything they charge into with reasonable chances of doing enough damage to overcome the charged unit's combat resolution.

And welcome to the board.
Thanks for the response, 10 knights seems like the way to go. Or maybe 9 knights and a Chaos Lord in the unit with them.
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Just Tony
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Re: Chaos Knights: 2 units of 5 or 1 unit of 10?

Post by Just Tony »

WAY late for this, but I'd say an Exalted Champion tagging along is fine, and a LOT cheaper than a Lord.
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Re: Chaos Knights: 2 units of 5 or 1 unit of 10?

Post by Paheej »

Depends heavily on list - if you have other cavalry - particularly a unit or two of marauder cav - then a unit of 10 can be on of your mainstay units. If you are running mostly infantry I would suggest going two units of five (i.e. units that have an easier time flanking or can be used to defeat elements of MSU lists).
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