Crimson Fists vs Black Legion Slannesh Grudge Match - 3rd Ed. BatRep

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Just Tony
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Crimson Fists vs Black Legion Slannesh Grudge Match - 3rd Ed. BatRep

Post by Just Tony »

Originally posted on 4-18-2019

1,500 point Patrol mission. Pretty straight forward.

Lists were as follows:


HQ - Keeper of Secrets - 105 points
HQ - Chaos Lord - Exhalted Champion, Chaos Armor, Master Crafted Power Weapon, Plasma Pistol, Spiky Bits, Mark of Slannesh - 135 points
HQ - Retinue (5) - Mark of Slannesh, Power Weapons x 5, Standard Bearer - 290 points
E - Posessed (10) - 300 points
TR - Rhino - Smoke Launchers, Storm Bolter - 53 points
T - Chaos Marines (7) - Heavy Bolter, Plasma Gun - 105 points
T - Daemonettes (10) - 150 points
T - Daemonettes (10) - 150 points
FA - Seekers (10) - 200 points

1,499 total


HQ - Captain Cortez - 116 points
E - Veterans (9) - Bolt Pistols/Chainswords, Veteran Sergeant, Power Fist, Terminator Honors - 279 points
TR - Rhino - Extra Armor, Smoke Launchers - 58 points
T - Tactical Squad (10) - Veteran Sergeant, Power Fist, Plasma Gun, Missile Launcher - 206 points
T - Tactical Squad (10) - Veteran Sergeant, Power Fist, Plasma Gun, Missile Launcher - 206 points
T - Tactical Squad (9) - Veteran Sergeant, Power Fist, Meltagun - 185 points
T - Tactical Squad (9) - Veteran Sergeant, Power Fist, Meltagun - 185 points
HS - Devastators (5) - Heavy Bolters x 4 - 135 points
HS - Vindicator - Extra Armor, Smoke Launchers - 128 points

1,498 total

Dice rolls had me choosing corner first, with SGT Sheldon getting first turn.

Deployment is as such:
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The Chaos Marine squad moves forward at top speed in between the wreckage of the downed aircraft.
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The Tactical Squad moves with due haste to the gap between the copses of trees. (I really need to reglue those)
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The Lord and his Retinue enter in this turn, as does one unit of Daemonettes. The Retinue makes its way forward from the center of the long board edge while the Marine squad advances through the gaps in the wreckage.

The Daemonettes summon in to the front of the Marines while the Keeper of Secrets possesses one of the Retinue, bursting forth onto the battlefield.
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Captain Cortez leads the Veterans in via the short edge center while the Vindicator and one of the Meltagun Tactical squads comes in at center of the long board edge.

All new units move towards their closest enemy units at top speed, with the Vindicator popping smoke. The Tactical squad between the copses of trees moves forward into the open to gain better line of sight for next turn.
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The turn starts with the Black Legion failing every Reserve roll. All units on the board move closer to the Crimson Fists.
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The Reserves rolls see only the second Missile Launcher squad enter the field of battle. All units ahead full towards the Black Legion except the Vindicator who sits still and drops a Demolisher shell onto the Daemonettes, killing 4 of them.
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The Possessed make their Reserve roll, pushing their Rhino onto the board at top speed.

The whole of the army moves forward towards the enemy with the exception of the Chaos Marine squad, who braces to shoot at the Vindicator. Damage roll results in the Vindicator being Stunned, but the Extra Armor changes that to Shaken instead.

In the Assault Phase the Seekers are summoned onto the battlefield, easily charging the Tactical Squads closest to the Vindicator.
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The ensuing combat sees 1 Marine in the Missile Launcher squad fall, and 2 lost from the Meltagun squad, while 4 Seekers are banished back to the Warp. The daemons' resolve holds, ensuring a protracted combat.
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The Devastators pass their Reserve roll and take up position on the hill near the center of the short table edge.

The Vindicator moves down the board edge and turns with its front facing the Chaos Marines. The Veterans and Cortez deploy out of their Rhino after it advances towards the Keeper of Secrets and the Lord's Retinue. The Tactical Squad in the space between the woods stands still to line up a shot...

... which I forget to take. The Veterans remember to discharge their pistols along with Cortez and manage to do absolutely nothing against the Keeper. Everyone else is either out of range or unable to fire.

In the Assault Phase the Veterans are spurred on by a crazed Cortez to charge the Keeper of Secrets. The Keeper manages to hit and not wound the Veterans, who respond by taking 2 wounds off the Greater Daemon. Rolling simultaneously for their attacks the Veteran Sergeant and Cortez manage 5 wounds, killing the Daemon. Exultant, the Veterans and Cortez sweep into the Lord and Retinue.

The Seekers kill 1 Tactical Marine from the Missile Launcher squad while the Marines pull down 5 Seekers, including all engaged with the Meltagun Squad. The Seekers pass, leaving the Meltagun squad free to move on and the Missile Launcher squad locked for another round.
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All that can move ahead do so at max speed except for the Chaos Marines. The Rhino pops its Smoke Launchers.

1 Tactical Marine dies from the Chaos Marine squad's shooting.
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Daemonette squad 2 is summoned in and it promptly charges the squad not engaged by the Seekers. The battered Daemonette squad charges in to help the Seekers.

The Lord and 2 Champions in the Retinue fall to the storm of blows from Cortez and the Veterans, while 5 Veterans die. The Retinue autopasses its Break test.
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The Seeker kills the Veteran Sergeant, who then dies in the retaliatory strike. 2 Daemonettes fall as does 1 Tactical Marine. The Daemonettes pass their Break test.

In the other combat 5 Tactical Marines die as the Daemonettes charge in, 2 Daemonettes falling in response. The Marines break and flee 11" to regroup, the Daemonettes sweep into them, causing a new combat next turn.


The 4th Tactical squad finally comes in and takes position on the field.
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The Vindicator scatters off of target, doing nothing. The Posessed' Rhino is Stunned by fire from the stationary Tactical squad between the woods.

4th Tactical charges into the Daemonette squad that swept the previous turn. No Marines die at all in this combat, and 3 Daemonettes fall. No break from combat.

It should be noted I forgot to jot down what happened to the other Daemonette combat, but it looks by the pictures like not a whole lot.

1 Veteran dies while the rest of the Retinue falls. Consolidation towards the Rhino.


Shooting is completely ineffective.

No wounds are caused on either side of the Daemonette/Tactical assault still playing out. Marines pass their Moral High Ground Break Test. (Mouthful)

Forgot to jot this down, but it looks like the second Daemonette squad engaged by the two Tactical squads was wiped out.


Veterans embark and the Rhino moves up 12", Tactical 2 and Tactical 4 move up towards the Chaos Marines. The Devastators move forward in case there's another turn.
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The Vindicator again scatters leaving 1 partial, which I roll too low to target. 3 Chaos Marines fall to Tactical squad shooting but pass their Panic.

2 Tactical Marines die in combat with the Daemonettes with none in return but pass their Break check.

And that was game. There wasn't enough Chaos left to oppose the Crimson Fists Patrol, a decisive victory.

At this point, Sergeant Sheldon is starting to have Marine Fatigue, so I will be bringing Dark Eldar to the next drill weekend game.
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Re: Crimson Fists vs Black Legion Slannesh Grudge Match - 3rd Ed. BatRep

Post by Grensche »

Good battle report! I'm new to 3rd edition, seeing the Keeper of Secrets die soon I was surprised. I would like to see more batreps on 3rd edition!
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Just Tony
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Re: Crimson Fists vs Black Legion Slannesh Grudge Match - 3rd Ed. BatRep

Post by Just Tony »

I'll see what I can pull off. It's a bit harder to get games in with SSG Sheldon as I've retired from the military and need to pretty much cash out a weekend to make it happen. And Ashley is BARELY motivated to do anything remotely 40K anymore...

I won't say never, but it'll be an uphill climb.
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Re: Crimson Fists vs Black Legion Slannesh Grudge Match - 3rd Ed. BatRep

Post by Grensche »

You just got to find someone that is just as nutty as you are to play earlier editions of 40K. Luckily, I found some that want to play whether it's out of nostalgia, morbid curiosity, or tired of GW's BS. :lol:
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