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Meeting Engagement High Elves vs Lizardmen 2,000 point 6th Edition Battle Report

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 5:19 am
by Just Tony
Originally posted on 3-17-2021 Erin Go Bragh

The following is the Batrep for a game my brother played on Sunday. I’ve copy pasted everything necessary and will post in his own words…

Battle is between Uncle and Niece in her second game and first time making her own list. Niece is High Elves and Uncle is Lizards.
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We diced off and rolled for Meeting Engagement. Niece also set up terrain. It was a little sparse, but no big deal. Elf Mage rolls for spells and gets Fireball and Fiery blast from the Lore of Fire. Skink Priest rolls and gets Second Sign of Amul and Forked Lightning. Lizards won choosing table side and choice to deploy first or second- chose first.
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Elves won roll to go first or second and chose first.

ET1: Movement: Eagles move from outside to middle to support knights and spearmen. Center spearmen move full ahead straight at Saurus. Right Flank spears move 8 in forward and chariot matches their distance preparing to charge knights together. Silver helms move toward middle 12 in. They halted enough to avoid charge from carnosaur.
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Magic: Fireball spell kills one Cold one knight. Other spell failed.

Shooting: R Archers kill one Cold one knight. Right Bolt Thrower kills two cold one knights. Cold one knights pass Panic check. Other bolt thrower connected on Carnosaur, but no damage.

LT1: Everything moves forward. Stegadon, Skinks, and Salamanders go 6 in to shoot.
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Magic: Second sign dispelled and Forked lightning SCROLLED.

Shooting: R Skinks shoot and kill one spearman. Stegadon hits a lucky bolt shot from Howdah and kills 3 Spearmen. Salamanders roll 16 hits and kill 5 spearmen. Spearmen pass panic test. All Stupidity tests were passed this game for knights.
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ET2: Center Spears declare charge on Saurus and pass Fear Test (Lizard Magic Banner). Charge reaction Hold. Mage retreats back for shooting protection. Niece decides to charge weakened Cold One knights (now 6 man) with Chariot and Eagle. Eagle fails fear test, but Chariot is good. Reaction is Hold.

Magic: Cube of Darkness rolls 4+ and stops all magic. Greatest magic item ever.

Shooting: L bolt thrower causes one Wound on Saurus Old Blood. All other shooting fails to cause any damage.

Combat: Chariot fails to wound any Knights. Chariot takes one wound. Loses to Fear Causing enemy while outnumbered and Flees. Chariot is caught and Knights crash into spearmen. What looked bleak early for the lizards has quickly turned around. Challenge issued and accepted between champions of Spearmen and Saurus warriors. Both miss. Elven Spearmen kill one Saurus warrior and cause wound on Lizard BSB. Lizards kill one Elf and cause one would on Elf BSB. Battle Banner gives +3 to resolution. Saurus still pass Test.
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LT2: Carnosaur charges silver helms. Silver Helms pass Terror. R Skinks flank engaged spearmen. Panic Passed. L Skinks move toward L Bolt Thrower to shoot. Salamanders move toward eagle.

Magic: Second sign gets 3 rerolls. Forked Lightning forks L eagle to death using all 3 rerolls with casting and failed wound rolls.

Shooting: Salamanders get 18 hits and only 2 Wounds on Eagle. L Skinks get three wounds on L Bolt thrower crew.

Combat: Carnosaur and Lord kill 4 Silver Helms. Silver Helms fail unlucky roll after losing by 1. They flee and are caught by Carnosaur (go 14). Cold one knights kill 4 spears and skinks kill 1. Elf Lord whiffs first of several attacks in battle. Spears flee 12 and Knights pursue 8. Skinks pass test to restrain. In BSB battle, both BSBs are killed. Saurus kill two more spearmen. no saurus die. Elves flee from fear 13 and saurus pursue 8.

ET3: No chargers. R Spears Rally. C Spears fail to rally. Flee 6. Everything else stands to shoot.

Magic: Fireball only rolls one hit and attack is saved by Knights Fiery blast is failed.

Shooting: R bolt thrower kills 4 knights. (back to my usual stellar rolling). Archers kill 4 saurus warriors between both units. Knights pass panic.

LT3: Stegadon charges archers. Choose to stand and shoot and pass Terror. Cold one knights charge R spears. L skinks move their full toward archers. Carnosaur moves around war machine left on table. Saurus move forward toward C Spearmen. Salamanders move forward. R skinks move a little to shoot.
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Magic: Second sign fails and Forked lighting passes and forks final bird to death.

Shooting: Skinks kill R Bolt thrower crew.

Combat: Knights kill 2 spears. Elf Lord whiffs again. Elves pass Leadership in loss. Stegadon kills 4 archers. Archers flee 10 off the board. Stegadon pursues 7.

ET4: Center Spears Rally. Mage moves into C spear unit.

Magic: Fireball failed and Fiery blast dispelled.

Shooting: L archers kill 1 saurus.

Combat. Elf lord kills 1 knight. Lord finally killed something. Knight Leadership passed.

LT4: Carnosaur and Saurus charge center spears. Stegadon moves closer to archers. Salamanders move up. Skinks remain. Both of these units were preparing for knight unit to die and could then attack spears.
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Magic: All failed.

Shooting: Skinks shoot and kill 7 archers. Panic passed.

Combat: Elf Lord whiffs on knights. No wounds in this fight. Knights pass Leadership. Carnosaur and Saurus cause 9 wounds on spearmen (1 on mage). Spearmen kill 1 saurus. Spears flee 5 and are caught by saurus 5.

ET5: No movement.

Magic: mage is dead.

Shooting: Archers kill 2 skinks.

Combat. Elf Lord finally connects and causes another wound. Only 2 wounds in like 20 attacks. Last knight is dead.

LT5: Stegadon charges rear of archers. Archers pass and hold. Carnosaur moves toward Elven Lord spearmen unit.
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Magic: Second sign passes and get 1 reroll. Forked lightning failed with magic reroll and mark of old ones reroll.

Shooting: Skinks kill 3 spears. Salamander misfire and eats 2 skinks. Other salamander shots all fail to wound.

Combat: Stegadon kills all 6 archers.

ET6: Elves turn unit with commander for Heroic, Epic, Hero, General Battle to the Glory Filled death. Game was over, but we were having fun making this final fight happen.
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LT6: Challenge Accepted! Charge only Carnosaur, all other units watch in awe. Hold Reaction and terror test passed (which we would have ignored). Official challenge issued and accepted. Elf has blade of Darting steel, allowing him to go first even though he has been charged. All attacks directed at Rider (only has 2 wounds left). All 4 attacks HIT! ... only 1 wounds though and that wound is saved. Elf takes 5 total wounds and dies miserably. Remaining 2 elves on the battlefield flee and are caught and killed by Carnosaur.
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Complete massacre with no elves left. Uncle wins this battle. Niece won first battle of Beasts and Dwarfs and she killed every last dwarf model. We are now 1-1 with all massacres.

I’d call this brutal but that’d be an understatement. Either way, a good game was played and a set up for the tie breaker is more than likely inbound.

On a side note my brother found her math to be off by almost 50 points, not that it helped the game much but if anyone else spots the discrepancy know that was already discovered…